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eggXYt has seen great breakthroughs since receiving the CERprize 2019 award. It has expanded its scientific team and accomplished several significant R&D milestones, gaining great interest from the egg industry and from investors. It was also recognized as a leading AgTech startup on the FoodTech500 list (no. 9 in the AgTech vector) and as the Tel Aviv Preliminaries winner of the 2020 Global Startup Competition. Furthermore, eggXYt has joined the global fight against the Coronavirus and has started development of a novel vaccine production solution based on chicken eggs.

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The CER prize enabled munevo to continue their development and research in providing the solution munevo Drive for everyone. The solution now has also found its first use for a small littler girl (7 years old) in Germany and we are happy to help more and more people.

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The CER prize proves every year, that religion and digital innovation can both thrive together. As a judge for the annual awards, I have met many ambitious startup entrepreneurs with true motivation to change the world for the better

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This pandemic has shown that as advanced medicine and technology is, an invisible virus can create havoc and death, economic disaster and even hunger. We are happy to announce that some of our winners such as eggXYt and Jewish Interactive are using their knowledge to fight the COVID19 and find solutions to new problems. The good news is that necessity makes the master, the advancement in many technologies was accelerated thanks to the crisis as we know that in times of war technology is advancing much more rapidly.